Featured Product: Blue Butterfly Floral iPod Speck Case

Posted by admin - July 22nd, 2011

We see so many great “things with wings” that I plan to feature some of my favorites to share with you all.   Today I am in love with this beautiful iPod Speck case that was designed by one of my friends.   She describes it thusly:  Beautiful Watercolor painting of a cherry blossom branch and blue butterflies.   I think it’s absolutely gorgeous and it makes me wish that I had an iPod to put it on.

You can see more desgins by this artist under the “Things with Wings”  link on the left hand side.

Blue Butterfly Floral 3 iPod Speck Case speckcase
Blue Butterfly Floral 3 iPod Speck Case by UTeezSF
Browse more iPod touch cases

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2 Responses to “Featured Product: Blue Butterfly Floral iPod Speck Case”

  1. Brenda Thour

    This is such a lovely speck case. I love how delicate the butterflies look. You just can’t beat watercolor for that translucent look!

  2. admin

    I know. All the ones she has are so lovely. It really does make me want to run out and buy and iPod just so I can get one lol

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