Featured Product: Bald Eagle

Posted by admin - August 29th, 2011

Today’s featured product is this majestic bald eagle photograph from Mark KryzaniakAvailable on a wide range of products, this gorgeous photo will make a lovely gift for any occasion.

Mark describes the photo as follows: This majestic bald eagle stands watch, guarding his domain like a sentinel. His fierce eyes intently take in every detail. He stands in profile contrasted against a field colored rusty-orange in the twilight.

Print product information:

  • Images are printed at no less than 100ppi (pixels per inch)
  • Zazzle’s quality prints are sharp and highly saturated.
  • Printed with UV-resistant archival ink.
  • Choose from a variety of print media from basic poster to canvas.
  • Huge selection of frames and mats, custom-fit by hand to your print!


The Sentinel - Bald Eagle Art Print print
The Sentinel – Bald Eagle Art Print by Mark_Kryzaniak
Join Zazzle’s artwork affiliate programs


The Sentinel - Bald Eagle Mug mug
The Sentinel – Bald Eagle Mug by Mark_Kryzaniak
View more Bald Mugs

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